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Bamboo Fly Rod Facility Signage, Kane Klassics Reno Air Race Airport

Shop Manager Ken finishing his sign carving.
Shop Manager Ken finishing his sign carving.

When we decided to take on the Folding and Fat Tire Sand bikes, our distributors needed a shop with signage.  With the assistance of my good friend Dave Miller of Miller Speed Sports located here on the airport,  we took to heart his idea of stand off lettering on a fish 6' long.  Ken and I glued three 6x6 timbers together, I provided the art to ken who up scaled it to the timbers and three days later you see the results.

Kane Klassics Shop decked out for the Reno Air Race showing off our new signage.

Kane Klassics Shop decked out for the Reno Air Race showing off our new signage.

We had untold numbers or air race visitors support our pilot folding bikes through out the air race week.  In-side we had more bikes on display as well. Many of you have asked how we did the sign so we wanted to let you know the effort of Ken, Dave and myself making it a reality.  when your in Reno call and stop by for a tour or to order you rod, putters or bikes. 510-487-8545  . https://kaneklassics.com/


Inside display at Kane Klassics
Inside display at Kane Klassics Bamboo Fly Rod facility
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