I have owned three Prius cars over the last four years. Two are the normal size and the newest Kane Klassics command car is the Prius C. This car is pushing 60 MPG at 65 MPH with the air on!! Some ask is that why his license is "ON FUMES" !
So with that in mind, draw a circle on the map 4 Hrs drive from the shop in Reno and you are looking at hundreds of fly fishing destinations. The first destination and trial run was a meager 650 mile round trip to southern Oregon.
So we loaded up the little Prius C with all our gear including a four man Zodiac rubber boat complete with a 2.5 HP out board, all camping gear, fishing gear, food and even our Micro Bike!
That poor "C" was filled to the Gills and I had not enough room for a slupie! I traveled at highway legal speeds and averaged 53.1 MPG for a total fuel cost of $45.00.
So after the 2 1/2 day fishing trip, 28 4-5 lb trout caught and released, 3 wicked thunder storms and then repacking the gear, I cant wait for the next ROD TEST!!!