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Its not about the journey, but the destination.

I have been getting a lot of questions on upgrading one's older favorite bike with an electric bike pedal assist kit.  The best answer I can give you is ... YES.  The perfect example I have is my 30 year old Schwinn Varsity 18 Speed.  Electric bikes are amazing technology that can upgrade your child hood/college bike.

Electric bike ,my 1984 Schwinn transported in time to 2014
Electric bikes - upgrading your old favorite, my 1984 Schwinn... transported in time to 2014

I paid $550.00 in 1984 which in today's dollars was a very nice bike back then. I choose it for the easy removable front tire and wheel.  I wanted it to fit in my airplane and there were not folding full size bikes back then as we carry at Kane Klassics today.

I originally chose the Bionx Pedal Assist system as it is the most advanced electric bikes - upgrading your old favorite bike system out there today.  I have owned several Prius hybrid cars and the Bionx system worked in the same manner.  Talk about capability, the systems light weight, 48 volt long lasting battery (60 mile plus range) and advance regeneration charge back into the battery on braking/down hill was just plan amazing.  The pedal assist senses your input and matches it or exceeds it to your command settings.

The light weight and highly capable Bionx Motor
The light weight and highly capable Bionx Motor

Hills and loads were now easily mastered extending my range and ride.  You still get you exercise.  Here is an operational selection for the down hills, to get maximum regeneration and it holds you back.  what that means is you pedal up with the same effort or more on the down hill.  This is amazing technology especially for couples where and injury or knee aliment prevents their riding together.  Now they have no excuse not to ride together never worried that their riding partner will over exert.

The 1984 Schwinn looking like any 2014 bike!
The 1984 Schwinn looking like any 2014 bike!

So early on as a electric bikes dealer, just like Kane Klassics fly rod restoration service, why not extend that retrofit service to the biking enthusiast. My Schwinn now stand proudly along side the new bikes in the shop, equal in looks and functionality.  We polished up the

Bamboo Fly Rod Restoration
Fly Rod Restoration, turning an old favorite into a modern tool, as we do with your older bike.

Schwinn, new brakes, tires and adjustments.  Then added the Bionx 48 volt Pedal Assist System which as in a time machine brought the 1984 bike forward to 2014!

The Bionx cockpit controller allowing you to input your level of assist and regeneration to the battery.
The Bionx cockpit controller allowing you to input your level of assist and regeneration back into the battery.

This bike is at the shop and you can visit to see and ride the modernized 2014 capable Schwinn. For technical and further information visit the https://kaneklassics.com web site.

How to care for Bamboo fly rod is very easy and is no more consuming then the care you would give to a fine Graphite rod.  Ill take you through the steps:

Female Ferrule care:

Use a clear Q-tip, I recommend the wooden stick ones as they are much stronger then the fiber stick.  Use a minor amount of Paint Thinner.  If you ooze out excess thinner it wont mare the bamboo coating in back of the ferrule or up on the ferrule.  This will remove dirt and grease making your male ferrule insert and tighten into the female correctly.  Once clear and clean the female is renewed and no more effort is needed:

Cleaning a bamboo fly rods female ferrule with a wooden stick Q-Tip and light amount of paint thinner.
Cleaning a bamboo fly rods female ferrule with a wooden stick Q-Tip and light amount of paint thinner.

Male Ferrule:

The male ferrule needs a light polishing with #0000 steel wool once or twice a year. this polishes any burrs and cleans the male.

Using #0000 steel wool to polish a male ferrule.
Using #0000 steel wool to polish a male ferrule.

Once clean use canning clear wax you would use in canning fruit to lightly lube the male.  NEVER USE NOSE OIL.  The use of the old fisherman tail of lubing ferrules with your nose oil will corrode and collect dirt in the female ferrule.  In How to care for your bamboo fly rods, this alone will save you untold ferrule sticking and damage. By sliding the male ferrule over the wax coats and lubes it correctly. Any excess will be pushed aside as you insert it into the female.

Lubing the clean male ferrule with canning wax.
Lubing the clean male ferrule with canning wax.



Bamboo fly rod Field sense:

When you break for lunch never lean your bamboo fly rods or graphite fly rods with the tip leaning against a barn, RV or tree in the sun.  Over your lunch break, either material can set up with a bend. Always assure you rest the rod with no load on it. you can set against an upright object, just dont induce a load bending the rod. The best method is to lay atop bushes or trees out of the sun with, again no load on the rod.  This also keeps the rod elevated for others not step on your bamboo fly rod or graphite rod.

Dont let your rod rest against a tree or RV in the sun over lunch, you could put a set in the rod
Dont let your rod rest against a tree or RV in the sun over lunch, you could put a set in the rod

Bamboo Fly Rods and Graphite Rods, a caring return:

Once home simple wipe down drying the rods sections, you can use some furniture wax on an old clean t-shirt to shine and protect the rods coatings.  Then leave the rod case open on the dinning room diner table for 24 hours.  This is usually a wide open and safe area to let the rod and case return to a dry condition to store the rod .  Doing this allows you the time

Fly rod and case left upon for 24 hours to dry following your retrun, safe on the dinning room table!
Fly rod and case left upon for 24 hours to dry following your retrun, safe on the dinning room table!

after a trip to inspect each section assuring the guides and ferrules as well as the reel seat are all in serviceable condition.  Fail to do this and ill be hearing from you for a repair or premature restoration.  So now you know how to care for bamboo fly rods and the same care is fine for graphite rods. See my link below for help if your rod needs it.



Shop Manager Ken finishing his sign carving.
Shop Manager Ken finishing his sign carving.

When we decided to take on the Folding and Fat Tire Sand bikes, our distributors needed a shop with signage.  With the assistance of my good friend Dave Miller of Miller Speed Sports located here on the airport,  we took to heart his idea of stand off lettering on a fish 6' long.  Ken and I glued three 6x6 timbers together, I provided the art to ken who up scaled it to the timbers and three days later you see the results.

Kane Klassics Shop decked out for the Reno Air Race showing off our new signage.

Kane Klassics Shop decked out for the Reno Air Race showing off our new signage.

We had untold numbers or air race visitors support our pilot folding bikes through out the air race week.  In-side we had more bikes on display as well. Many of you have asked how we did the sign so we wanted to let you know the effort of Ken, Dave and myself making it a reality.  when your in Reno call and stop by for a tour or to order you rod, putters or bikes. 510-487-8545  . https://kaneklassics.com/


Inside display at Kane Klassics
Inside display at Kane Klassics Bamboo Fly Rod facility
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